Bullwackies Reckless Roots Rockers
Rewind Show on Rastfm Dec 28th 2018
Wackies & City Line releases 1976 - 198?
A sound apart.. Lloyd Barnes, Douglas Levy & Clive Hunt fashioned a disctinctive and very rootical sound from their New York base, building a strong underground following and in time attracting several big names to record with them. Original studio equipment, experimental techniques and space to improvise make for a wonderfully textured 'lo-fi' sound that at times rightly draws comparison with Lee Perry at Black Ark. Crucial...
Some serious classics here like Joy Card's Black Girl, the Love Joys' It Ain't Easy & Leroy Sibbles' This World.
Wackies founded the studio and record shop in New York - WACKIES HOUSE OF MUSIC in the mid-70s. It was the first significant reggae label stateside as Barnes nurtured many local talents like the Love Joys, Junior Delahaye, the Chosen Brothers, Tony Jackson, Jezzreel & Mikey Jarrett.
Continuous mix. 2 hours.